GOING THE DISTANCE—NOT THERE YET  brings together writings that offer strength, hope, and solidarity in this time of ongoing viral pandemic, embedded racism, economic hardship, climate crisis, and threats to democracy. This column of poetry and short prose is published weekly in the Benicia Herald and is posted at Going The Distance. Due to space limitations, prose pieces of fewer than 350 words, or poems of fewer than 30 lines, with a maximum of 30 characters per line work best. Send your writing to msgast45@gmail.com

Benicia Literary Arts is seeking volunteers

Welcome! What we do:
  • Read, edit, and work with authors on their manuscripts
  • Publish works of literary merit
  • Hold events that inform and educate writers
  • Sponsor ongoing writing groups who help each other
  • Sponsor workshops on writing, publishing, social media
We started a blog! We invite you to join the conversation on the blog page. 

We are thrilled to announce that Carolyn Plath’s memoir, Glenn’s Sister, published by Benicia Literary Arts, has been selected as a finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards competition, the largest not-for-profit book awards for indie authors and publishers. Carolyn, who passed away in December 2022, was a member of one of BLA’s Memoir Groups. With vivid descriptions and wry wit, Plath, a native of Tulsa, Oklahoma, brings the 50s and 60s alive in this story of a family united by love but torn apart by an unspoken secret. At the book’s center lies the deep bond between Glenn and his sister Carolyn, who uses multiple points of view to tell the tragic story of her brother’s brief life with insight, understanding, and wry humor.

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              Announcing the new anthology:

Carquinez Review 2024

Shut Up and Write!

Please join Benicia Literary Arts for an evening of focused writing time at the Benicia Library. All genres and experience levels are encouraged, and don't worry, no one will see what you've written! This is about getting your writing done and meeting other local writers.

We'll begin at 6:30 by leading a quick round of introductions, then start quiet writing time at 6:45. At 8:15, we'll wrap up and take some more time to get to know each other, share challenges and successes as writers, etc. Again, there will be no obligation to share your work! Feel free to take breaks as-needed throughout the event.

Location: Benicia Library - Doña Benicia Room
Dates: July 22, 2024

Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Poets’ Picnic, Sunday, August 4, 12:30 at City Park. All welcome. Bring your lunch and your poetry, or your listening ears. Water and cookies provided.

On Saturday, August 24, from 2-4 p.m., the Benicia Public Library will host 

Stories from Freedom Summer told by two Benicia residents.
• Linda Wright—educator, author, and teller of stories from history—will bring Fannie Lou Hamer’s reflections on the background and development of Freedom Summer.
• Mary Susan Gast—poet, human rights advocate, and theologian—will tell her personal story from Freedom Summer. Click here for more information