This is a list of our member's links to their books, blogs, videos, interviews and websites. 

Linda Wright Storytelling

Gail Wasserman GW Music Creations and Law Practice


Webinar by Benicia Literary Arts: How to Publish and Promote Online

Benicia Literary Arts, hosted a free online webinar on Wednesday, February 8th, 2023. The topic of the Webinar was: “How to Publish Online and how to Promote it.” Wayne Goodman and Karen Mercury, both highly published and successful writers, shared their experiences.  If you are a writer and have wondered how to get started with online publishing, this video is for you. During the video people offered lots of links in the chat to information about topics being discussed. Here are those links. Karen Mercury offered this document about how to publish on Amazon. And now for the video, please like, share and subscribe, leave a comment too!